One of the most common injuries sustained in an accident is whiplash. Injury to your neck ligaments, tendons and muscles often result in neck pain called whiplash. Mainly the result of an abnormal force that causes your head to move beyond its normal range, it can occur during sports activities, car accidents or even as a result of a fall.
It can take a few days before any whiplash symptoms occur because the inflammation from the tiny tears in the injured can continue to worsen for days after your accident. If you find you are suffering from neck pain, headaches, difficulty in moving your neck, shooting pain in your neck, arm or shoulder that may mean you are suffering from whiplash. Whiplash destabilized the spine and causes severe pain. Without care, in a timely manner, the scar tissue could end up limiting the future mobility of the injured area.
It can take a few days before any whiplash symptoms occur because the inflammation from the tiny tears in the injured can continue to worsen for days after your accident. If you find you are suffering from neck pain, headaches, difficulty in moving your neck, shooting pain in your neck, arm or shoulder that may mean you are suffering from whiplash. Whiplash destabilized the spine and causes severe pain. Without care, in a timely manner, the scar tissue could end up limiting the future mobility of the injured area.
Call Premier Healthcare Placerville at (530) 622-3536 and schedule an appointment right away with Dr. John Mooney. With his experience in chiropractic and accident injury reconstruction, he can help you restore your physical health.
Whiplash – Watch the Videos to learn more.